Since 2007, we've helped over
3000 organizations raise over $130M for their causes!
We help your fundraising event by simplifying the entire process:
Silent Auction Pro specializes in event management software for your fundraising in-person and online auctions.
Silent Auction Pro was designed from the ground up to be a team-friendly, easy-to-use fundraising software. Any group member can access the system from their phone or computer with our online event management solution. You will see an increase in team productivity and improve your fundraising from each auction item while minimizing your overall effort.
- Online Auction Software
- Free Support (even after hours during your event)
- Free Event Coach Professional
"Don't take it from us.. hear what our customers are saying."

Auction Chair
Raised over $30,000

Powderhorn Elementary School
Silent Auction Pro was a huge part of the success of our event last year. Our auction raised well over $30K last year and the year prior I think we did around $20K. The system was great for organizing and tracking all of our donations. We had over 200 donations, and when it came time for our event, we loved the bid sheets and our check out has never run smoother. Another feature we loved was the gift certificates you could print right off the site. We had quite a few donors that did not create ...
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Raised over $30,000

San Diego Site Pros, Inc.
As an event management company, we're always constantly looking for various silent auction systems that simplifies the process from ticket registration to generating ticket reports. In every event, one of our goals is making our guests and our clients experience flawless and memorable. Silent Auction Pro enable us to achieve our goals with its simple check-in and check-out process, data entry of auction items, and printing of auction item materials. Our event staff and volunteer training hour...
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Teresa M.
Auction Chair
Raised over $24,000

In 2010, we successfully used Silent Auction Pro to manage and organize our silent auction, which included nearly 200 auction packages. Beginning in the early planning stage through to the post-auction tasks, Silent Auction Pro's customer service and technical support were phenomenal. Any questions or concerns were immediately responded to, either via email or telephone, in a thorough and thoughtful manner. We also found the company's prices to be extremely competitive and in line with what our ...
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Kessie C
Raised over $60,000

Westlake Village
Thank you to Silent Auction Pro for helping our school raise over $60,000 for our technology fund! We decided to use Silent Auction Pro due to the success of another charity, and we are glad we did. As treasurer of our organization, I loved the fact that I didn't need to get involved with our ticket sales. People were able to easily go on-line and order tickets themselves, and we could just print out the list of guests. We also received excellent support- the Silent Auction Pro team was alw...
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Brandie H.
Auction Chair
Raised over $35,500

London PTO
I cannot say enough good things about Silent Auction Pro! It was so easy to use and made the work of our London PTO Fall Fest & Auction look so organized and professional. The Auction Day component was worth every penny. The bid entry personnel finished in record time of less than 30 minutes for over 300 items. Check out was a breeze and accepting credit cards was a wonderful addition to our event. We have had nothing but positive comments on our auction from volunteers and guests. This was our ...
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