Since 2007, we've helped over
3000 organizations raise over $130M for their causes!
We help your fundraising event by simplifying the entire process:
Silent Auction Pro specializes in event management software for your fundraising in-person and online auctions.
Silent Auction Pro was designed from the ground up to be a team-friendly, easy-to-use fundraising software. Any group member can access the system from their phone or computer with our online event management solution. You will see an increase in team productivity and improve your fundraising from each auction item while minimizing your overall effort.
- Online Auction Software
- Free Support (even after hours during your event)
- Free Event Coach Professional
"Don't take it from us.. hear what our customers are saying."

Nancy O.
Co-chair for The Chocolate Affair
Raised over $57,000

I can not say enough about Silent Auction Pro. This is the second year we have used the program. It has certainly made it easier to track our auction items: what we have, where they are and which members are pulling their weight. When it comes time to put the program together, it is a ''piece of cake''. It is great for keeping in contact with the donors and the attendees and it is fantastic that at the end of the evening when the last guest leaves the event, we can pull up all the stats and know...
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Marion H.
Auction Chair
Raised over $28000

Haleakala Waldorf School
Getting this software took us from the stone age to the modern age. It has saved tons of time and effort! Every step of our silent auction timeline was simplified. You guys pretty much thought of everything.
I love how easy it is for anyone on our auction team to access information. The cloud based system takes away any fear of losing data.
I love how easy it is for me as the group administrator to quickly reference any detail I might need, before, during, and after the a...
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Michele P.
Development Manager
Raised over $21,000

Tahoe Women's Services
Silent Auction Pro was a fabulous tool for our annual Chocolate Festival. From helping us manage our contacts in the community, to tracking the status of various donated items, it was useful to help us get organized before the event. But the software really shines the day of the event. Our attendees were so impressed with the professional interaction they had. Beautifully printed bidder numbers; bid sheets with pre-filled minimum bids, bid increments, and "Buy It Now" prices; and invoices calcul...
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Scott & Steph W.
Auction Co-Chairs
Raised over $97,000

NEF Lighthouse
This is our second year of using Silent Auction Pro for our annual fundraising auction for our public schools and we can highly recommend it.
We looked at several competing products last year before deciding it offered the most-bang-for-the-buck for an Internet-based cloud solution (important for the ability to share access with many users). With only a few weeks to prepare, we were able to import the bidder and donor lists from previous auctions, set up all the new donation and auction it...
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Auction Chair
Raised over $180,000

Breckenridge Music Festival
I am a big fan of Silent Auction Pro, and maybe because not only is the HELP menu online well done and resolves most topics, Silent Auction Pro's technical support is quick to respond. Also, having compared several programs, Silent Auction Pro is competitively priced and really is the simplest to train a group on. Since it's online versus purchased software, everyone on your committee can access it from their computer wherever they are. We had 2 people doing just ticket sales and table/seating a...
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